Japan has become, since 2016, the year of its foundation in Tokyo, one of the most important strategic milestones in GHM Consultores recent history.
Technically, in GHM Consultores we are adapating our knowledge and experience to suit every country requirements. Specifically in Japan, during this period we have been working hand in hand with different Japanese engineering firms to implement national procedures and regulatory requirements so as to give customs solutions to civil construction industry needs.
Therefore, despite of the global health and economic crisis all around the world during 2020 and 2021, GHM Consultores has managed to refocus its business plan with the aim of go on providing advising and technical solutions to its many clients and projects in the energy sector developed througout Japanese territory.
For example, GHM Consultores has conducted an STUDY OF EMBANKMENT STABILITY in Fukushima Prefecture for an important international developer. The synergy between Spanish experts in GROUND ENGINEERING/GEOTECHNICS and Japanese engineers has allowed GHM Consultores to draft a high technical standard report endorsed by our clients and adapted to specific Japanese AUTHORITIES/ADMINISTRATIONS specifications, at both local and national ones.
Thus, GHM Consultores consolidates in Japan due to its technical expertise and its renowned worldwide prestige. Its dedication and continuous effort demonstrate their ability to adapt to the adversities caused by COVID-19, committed to mantain health security protocols now more tan ever, as one of the most valuable standard worldwide.